Friday, March 5, 2010

Sticker shock

 Last night was my second night on the floor. I was in what was supposed to be a fairly chill turned into union station with booze. At one point I had 2 ten tops and a 20 top rolling at once. The 20 was for d/a (drinks and apps) so that should've been easy. Until...they wanted separate checks. No freakin way. They were all over the place a logistical nightmare for who ordered what, that just wasn't going to happen. So one guy went to the manager and we had to accommodate him. So as the party winds down I hand the bill over, 386 dollars and some change. I circle the grat on the check and walk away. From the POS I see the jaws drop, that's my queue to make myself scarce I'm not dealing with that shit. 5 minutes later I come back to collect the bill and face the firing squad. One angry asian lady and some stuffy white dude harass me about how they didn't order all these drinks. Duh, your 18 other friends did if you were able to drink 300 dollars worth of booze and stand up still you're my and all my coworkers hero, you should be studied. The best was the conversation..or demands..
"Who ordered all the drinks?!" the asian lady
"I'm not sure ma'am I'm just the server"
"Well what were their names"
"I'm sorry ma'am I just take the drink orders"
"What did they look like"
"I'm sorry ma'am I don't remember"
Nevermind that I have another 24 people I'm dealing with right now, or that my feet feel like their going to fall off you and your bill are my top priority...yeah. Now I suppose people don't understand that I really who ordered what, my bottom line is no complaints, and money. This was just insane.

 Then came the female server's dread table. 4 mid twenties women wearing too much makeup all with princess attitudes. That section smelled like a perfume counter blew up. They were an ok table, they camped but I was busy so I didn't mind. Then I came with the bill, and sticker shock all over the place. One girl came up and accused me of getting the price wrong on her salad, then when I said no I hadn't, that's the price she proceeded to call me a thief and a liar. The price is listed on the menu for all salads, 18 dollars. Granted she got it without protein so it should've been less but if you leave cheese off a pizza does that make it less? No.  She then asked for the manager, then of course made me look like an idiot and a liar...of course since I'm new and she's the customer she's right. Fucking awesome. Needless to say she got a salad for 8 bucks and I got 1.50 on 40. I remember now why I hate people.

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