Sunday, March 28, 2010

I thought I told you to get rid of that

Pardon me, as a heads up I've been to see my bartender friend already so I'm not legal to drive. Today as I got to work my manager saw my server book. This is the most prized possession, the bible to servers. It's where we keep our pads of paper, our money, pictures of loved ones that we're not seeing on that 5-4 am shift, and our lives. My life caught the attention of our AGM and was told I needed to get rid of it. I nearly cried, really. This book means so much to me, I've had it for 5 years. Pictures of everyone lives in it and it's truly sentimental to me in a way that few things are. Sure it's frayed around the edges, there's a big florida gators sticker on it, and it has a few obscene stickers inside but no one notices that. That is to say but the man that calls himself a "real fucker to work for". Later on in the night after seeing me he says "I thought I told you to get rid of that". This book is my kryptonite, my source of power. No matter how many times you call me buddy or try to be nice to me you make me get rid of it let's face it, I'll set your car on fire.


  1. Wow. It sounds like you and that book have been through hell and back. Perhaps you can tell him how much it means to you, or explain that the book is where you keep all of your Haitian voodoo spells. Nothing makes a manager back off like the prospect of a rancid curse.

  2. It's been thrown at a few people. My boss is just a fantastic jackass. My plan is to goo gone it since I've decided the gators and I have cone to the end of our timeline what with them being national champs and all. I'll cover the cardboard with some electrical tape and maybe an exorcist to remove all the bad server mojo from the past 5 years. No one will notice right? It's my equvilent of lucky crusty socks.
