Friday, March 26, 2010

Can you smell 15%

So when your check comes and you see a gratuity added to it do not be alarmed. We're not trying to pull the wool over your eyes orcheat you out of money. Truth be told we lose money that way. Most places charge a 15% grat after tip outs which range from 4 to 7% we are walking with less than 10%. Soooo if you feel you can spare it an extra 5% is greatly appreciated especially when you break glass and sit there for 8 hours and have a tab of 1100 dollars.


  1. Not only that - most of the time, it's based on the pre-tax total. Now, this probably doesn't affect you much in Canada, where most, if not all people tip on pretax, but for those of us laboring in the States, it can actually hurt us, since it seems that the majority of people tip on the final total. Fortunately, in the States, a 15% autograt is almost unheard of - most of them are 17 - 18%, which, in most States, is pretty much like a 15% autograt anyway (just like up there).

    Congrats on the new blog. I'll be following it. I'd like to hear more about waiting tables in Canada, since Canadians baffle me when they dine in the States. The Canadian system is supposed to be based on 15% like in the US, but the standard Canadian tip that we seem to see most often (especially in the South) is 10% (which, even if it's on the final total, is only about 12%). This is curious to me. I work in close proximity to an arena that has an NHL franchise, so I see more than my fair share of Canadians. One thing though - Canadian hockey players are 20% or more and they tip on the final total, god bless 'em, and they like to spend money and eat quickly - those dudes have an appetite like a wheat thresher - I love 'em!)

    Don't know if you've addressed this phenomenon or not yet. Your fellow Canadian server, Steve, who writes the excellent and venerable blog, "Waiter Extrordinaire" has had some conversations with me about this.

    Welcome to the restaurant blogging world!

    "So You Want To Be A Waiter" blog

  2. Believe it or not I originate from the American south. Atlanta to be precise. The concept of the 10% tip is not unfamiliar to me. Here in Canada, unlike in the US, I can solidly count on 15%. At home in Atlanta I knew one night at Stoney River the tips would range from 10-25% based on who I was serving. Unlike here, at home I could read my guest and know who it would be profitable to smooze and who would tip me well based strictly upon my performance. I am happy to report on my experiences here. This is my first year here and I'm learning a lot. Our grat is figured pre-tax while our tip out to the house is figured post grat. Oh? Corporate is taking MORE money from the servers? Who knew? To be honest I miss waiting on the baseball players and NBA players I used to see in my tenure as a server in Atlanta. I had to deal with jerks but as least they paid me well. Yes, my attention and affection can be bought at 30% of your total bill, post tax.
