Saturday, March 27, 2010

A filet? A sirloin?

I'm freee! It's 4 am and I've been at home and pants free since 2. I had the best thing ever, a server and their sibling in my section tonight. This translates to free $$! It was a good night, I shared a section with my faaavorite person to work with and didn't have to start until 7 pm. I was out by 1, God answered my prayers for not only a full service dining section but also a slow night. I made decent money and have only one more night to my week, I may ask to close. Shocking isn't it? I had a few chuckles moments tonight. One being from last night actually, and as I'm not posting from my Iphone hopefully there are fewer typos.
Last night I had a table of 20, and after an entire night of waving their hands in the air, flagging me down, pointing to an unmarked glass and saying "What was this? I'll have another one" ( I remember) one (sober) woman asked me my name. After informing her she went on to tell the group "call her by her name or don't call her at all. Hey girl, hey waitress or even excuse me is rude". My jaw hit the floor, literally such a display of humanity and respect is rare. Rad, really cool. I was happy to serve them and quite a bit quicker I might add, that is until one middle aged gentleman after one too many old speckled hens starts inspecting a wooden pillar too closely then asks for a cab home. You sir have been overserved..oops let me steer you away from prying eyes like security or managers while I discreetly call you a cab.
Then tonight, after describing the chef's cut an 8 ounce bacon wrapped filet mignon I had this conversation:
"What kind of filet is it?"
"beef sir"
"Yeah I know that but what kind of filet is it?"
"I..uh..I'm not sure what you're asking me sir"
"what kind of filet is it? A sirloin?"
"Um, no sir, it's a filet mignon, a beef tenderloin"
"Oh, no I don't want that, I'll take the filet burger"
Literally the same thing, then asked me for no onions. I asked if he had an allergy or simply a preference against them. "No, onions are very smelly and I don't like them they make my eyes water, plus I don't like caramel so, no onions". Caramel and caramelized are two different things. So, he got onions and he raved about the burger. Awesome, I'm smiling because you just tickled me to no end.

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