Sunday, March 7, 2010

The hospitality plague

 So after recovering from last night's emotional turmoil thanks so being called off I'm feeling human. I got that celebrated phone call today from my favorite little indy manager asking me if I wanted to have a sunny day off. Apparently word spread fast among the manager ranks that I nearly lost my shit last night. For those who've served with me in the past I did not in fact freak out just so you know. I'll admit I was one hot headed server once upon a time, never with guests because they pay my bills. Other servers and managers were fair game.
     In an effort to maintain my sanity and others respect I now just clench my jaw and deal with whatever bullshit I'm handed. When it explodes in my face as a 5'10" bleach blonde grenade of  self righteous attitude my composure waivers.  So another server (that I just love) saw me teary last night and asked me if I wanted to talk, I took her up on that offer today. She's also new and has similar problems with ole blonde fuzz head. So, after calming down we've decided all the new people will just work very hard to counter act the shitty attitudes of the seasoned servers. Kill them with kindness is such bullshit, in a restaurant you kill them with work. Be there to restock, go over and above what the old servers are too lazy or too good to do. You want the good shifts and sections? Stop being such a stark raving bitch with a sense of entitlement. No one wants to listen to your mouth and no one gives a shit about your personal problems. Wake up sweetie, this job isn't that hard, you make it so. Service isn't rocket science, it's a test of endurance and patience. If you can put up with bullshit and still laugh at yourself you'll survive. If you can't and you flip out on the new people're liable to end up with a serious drinking problem. It's just a job.

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