Friday, March 12, 2010

Name that band

       Excuse me ma'am, while I see you are "shaking your money maker" on the dance floor I hate to intrude but stop it. You see "Sweet home Alabama" is important to my people and while I understand it is a great song with heavy political commentary (p.s. they're making fun of Canadians favorite Neil Young) it is not one to grind your spandex clad behind on the nearest man to. Now that being said if you can please step to the right and let me pass as I do have a tray full of precariously positioned top heavy beer glasses we can talk. Now I'll let you listen to the song, and enjoy it more if you can name at least one of the band members I'll even take a last name, hell there were two with the same last name. Easier yet, can you shed some light on your Alabama knowledge? What does the term "in Birmingham they love the governor, we all did what we could do" refer to? You don't know? Oh, sit down and stop spilling your drink and tip your server she's tired of looking at you smeared mascara and all. THANKS!

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