Sunday, April 4, 2010

2 weeks? I'll take 3 days

My AGM is gone for a week. You know it's a bad sign when the managers, both of them and 3 servers stand out on the patio and watch him leave. Actually watch him leave isn't exactly the right word. We watched to make sure he didn't go next door only to reappear a few hours later to ruin what was left of our nights by being a complete bag of (insert unpleasant images here). When we saw him veer off towards the parking lot we all let out a whoop of glee. It's rare that our managers admit dislike for him but now both our floor managers have been servers under him and they know. They know about the nightmares, the PTSD servers experience after a rare day in which the AGM is the acting floor manager. Also, why is that every GM/AGM thinks they're doing the restaurant a huge service by acting as the host? Don't you know you're making the hostesses nervous and slowing us down by offering your helpful hints? How about you go run some food since you're making the designated food runner do maintenance and repairs on the front of the house because you're too cheap to hire a real handy man. Yeah while you're at it, here take these dishes with you.
Oh I know every boss is a bit of a jerk but literally every time he opens his condescending mouth to say something pricky you can literally hear teeth gnashing. Like the collective "ooopa" when someone breaks glasses in a restaurant, but with teeth grinding. Everyone regardless of who it is turns away from him muttering "What a jackass". I'll bet his mother does too.

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